Caroline Mullins.

For Singing and speaking engagements, Please contact :

Caroline Mullins
Po. Box : 6613
Lubbock, TEXAS.
USA - 79493

E: mail : spunhoney1@hotmail.com
Reasons Why I Sing As GOD Gives The Song....

1. I was healed of Asthma at the age of five. This is when I was given my voice...

2. My life was spared by God's intervention and direction as a senior in high school. It was the first time I heard His voice.

3. Buddy, my first son, was mentally retarded because of RH-factor problems causing Hydrocephalus. He was healed at 15 months.

4. I caught the father of my first 2 children living with another woman. God carried me through the heartbreak and pain, healed me emotionally and restored my life.

5. Buddy stopped breathing in the crib at approximately 6 weeks old. God sent me to check on him at exactly the right time. He was already turning blue.

6. David and Joe, younger sons, were both born with RH-negative blood (less than 10% of the males of the world have negative blood) had they been born with positive blood they would have had the same problems that Buddy had.

7. Renee, my daughter, was healed of asthma after going approximately. 30 minutes without breathing, and suffered NO brain damage.

8. Joe, my youngest son, experienced five miracles before age of 7.

1. Electric shock, without brain damage or death

2. Nearly bled to death from a wound cause by the electric shock.
3. Had an abscess about the tailbone at approximately 2 yrs old; it disappeared before the doctor's eyes in surgery.
4. Fell from the back of our van in traffic, age 3, a Coronado high School student retrieved him from in front of a truck.
5. Hit by a car in the school cross walk and knocked approximately 20 ft.

9. . David, the next to the youngest, Drank gasoline at age two. He immediately developed pneumonia. We were told that he might not survive. He was put in an oxygen tent. He was sent home from the hospital 15 hours later.

10. My husband had a lengthy illness resulting in total respiratory arrest, God spared him, healed him, provided for us through it all.

11. David is saved and serving the Lord in spite of abuse and refection at home and from critical, attacking church people

12. All children are nonsmokers, nondrinkers living moral, Godly lives, saved, and committed to the Lord.

13. God has miraculously provided all through the years.

14. There are many other miracles some our own and some given to others using me as a vessel - IE a girl going into a diabetic coma during lunch at high school. God sent me to the corner where the students crossed the street at exactly the perfect time to help her - no one else realized anything was wrong or responded to her need.

15. God gave healing of a severe heart condition of A Man Named Pat, plus many other stories of healing of various kinds.

16. God's provision and use of people he put in our lives for reasons only He could have known years ahead of time.

17. There was a painful divorce, after 28 yrs. of marriage, and God carried me through to victory and is bringing emotional healing.

18. A Father chose to give his only children away to be released from his back child support … Our choices today affect our lives tomorrow.

Miracles of a Lifetime includes 30 chapters, 208 pages, in paperback, it is easy reading and is receiving very positive comments from both men and women. These and more testimonies are included in the book.

The key to the blessings and marvelous grace He has poured out on us is commitment to Him. That commitment was made when Buddy was found to have Hydrocephalus and found retarded. I made a promise to the Lord that I would shout His praises openly everyday of my life and I would give him my life, and I have kept that promise. There was a true change of HEART and God looks on the HEART. The Word is very clear about that. To be a true believer we must have a CHANGED HEART!

The only way we can have a changed heart is by making a true commitment to him and having the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives do the fixing for us. It is not possible for us to change ourselves. The Holy Spirit will do the job for us and the result will be life more abundantly through the power of Jesus name. You can have that life more abundantly it is yours for the ASKING. Just ASK and you will receive. That is His promise to you.

These are the reasons for the writing of Miracles of a Lifetime and the Reasons Why I Sing As God Gives The Song.

In His Love,
Deut. 8: 11

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